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Phone :
+968 97981888
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My Account
You can create your account by going to our register page
Log-in to your account and you’ll see a range of categories at the top of the page under ‘Account Settings’.
Go to Sign In and click on 'Forgot your password?'. We will email you a reset password link.
Order Queries
It's easy to place an order with us. Navigate to to browse our range of products. Once you've found the product you want, you'll need to click 'Add to CART'. You can either carry on shopping or click 'View CART' if you've got everything you need; this will give you the option to checkout.
If you have an existing account and have have any addresses or payment options saved to your account then these will automatically display in the checkout, making it quick and easy to complete the order. Otherwise you'll need to enter the details manually if you’re checking out as guest.
No, you can use the guest checkout to complete your order. Opening an account not only speeds up the order process, but it also means you can see your order history, save your personal and payment details, as well as save your favourites items to a wish list.
Once an order is confirmed, we regret that you cannot change the delivery address. Please cancel the order and re-order it using the correct address. If your order has already been dispatched, please contact our Customer Services team on +968 97981888
Please accept our apologies if you do not receive all the items you ordered. Kindly contact us and send us the following details:
- Order number
- Item name
- Quantity
A member of our customer service team will assist you immediately.
Note: Missing items should be reported maximum within 48 hrs. from the day the shipment is received.
Please accept our apologies if you receive a damaged item. In case you receive any unusable item, kindly contact us and send us the following details:
- Order number
- Item name
- Quantity
A member of our customer service team will assist you immediately.
Note: Damaged items should be reported maximum within 48 hrs. from the day the shipment is received.
Returns and Refunds
Unfortunately, we do not accept any returns at the moment. If you received a faulty product, please refer to the information in the Order Queries section.
We will issue a refund to your original method of payment. Depending on your bank or payment processor, a refund may take up to 14 business days to appear in your account, or even longer depending on individual banks.